Best Digital Photography Images

This best digital photography page focuses on digital images. If you are involved in digital scrapbooking, one of the biggest sources of content for your projects is digital photos.

These digital photographs may come from you own camera, cell phone, or tablet, or from devices used by family members or friends. Other sources of free images are available from various websites on the Internet, or from stock photography websites, where images can be purchased. Note that some of the free or purchased photographs may have some sort of copyright associated with them and so it is important to keep this in mind when using such photos in scrapbooking projects.

Best Digital Photography Image Qualities

For good quality digital scrapbooks, the best digital photography will be required to produce images that are worthy to be included in the scrapbook. There are various factors to consider for acceptable digital images.


The focus or sharpness of the digital image is a necessity. Blurry images have no place in a quality digital scrapbooking project. These images should be discarded whenever they are encountered, unless the content is so unique that even an unfocussed version of the image is important to keep. Keeping and storing useless digital images consumes storage space on your digital device and makes the organization of the photographs more difficult and time consuming.

Depth of Field

Depth of field or in other words the near areas of the image are in sharp focus and the background of the image is unfocussed is a property of a digital image that often makes the best digital photography. The effect is usually very artistic and these photographs add plenty of interest to your digital scrapbooking project. Experiment with different subject matter to get experience with the depth of field concept.

Range of Colors

Digital images with a wide variety of bright and vibrant colors, not only look great, but also add plenty of energy to the project. Fill your digital scrapbook with images that have a variety of colors. Also, do not forget to include black-and-white and sepia-toned images, which can look great as well, especially when mixed in with color digital images. The variety of tones will add great interest to your digital scrapbooking project.

Subject Matter

The subject of the digital photograph is a factor that significantly contributes to whether an image is considered great or not. Without a doubt, the best digital photography images have interesting or unique subject matter.

Best Digital Images

Below you will find a variety of digital images. Please vote for your favorite image, add a comment, or submit your own best digital photography image with some brief information.


Digital photos of animals are always of great interest. Below is an image of a Rottweiler puppy in a domestic environment.

A Rottweiler puppy that is black and brown in color and looking up at the camera.

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Puppies are so cute and often difficult to capture the perfect digital image.

Animals in the wild also produce unique digital images, as shown by the picture of a curious raccoon below.

A curious raccoon out in the wild with sun shining on its face and staring at the digital camera.

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Wildlife images are always great and interesting. Raccoons always provide interesting digital photos.

Fall Colors

The image below illustrates the vibrant colors of red, yellow, and orange, that can be found in the fall in many parts of Canada and the United States.

Trees showing the bright fall colors of yellow, red, and orange, which can be found in many parts of Canada and United States.

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Vibrant fall colors provide wonderful images for the professional and amateur photographer. This is a great time of year to take digital pictures.


When it comes to vibrant colors, nothing comes close to capturing this concept than digital images of flowers, as illustrated by these lavender colored flowers with dark green leaves.

Bright lavender colored flowers with dark green leaves.

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The colors of these flowers are so intense.

The image below definitely falls into the category of best digital photography image. The main subject matter is flowers, but there is so much more in this image. This digital photograph includes sharp focus, vibrant colors, great depth of field, and interesting subject matter of a bee gathering pollen from the flower.

Pink daisy flower with bee on top and gathering pollen. This image provides great color, sharp focus, good depth of field effect, and interesting subject matter.

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Great image. Capturing the bee in action is wonderful.


Photographing insects up close always provides interesting digital photos as illustrated in the picture of the dragonfly sitting on a rock below.

Digital image of a green dragon fly sitting on a rock.

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Insects of all types are interesting because of their various shapes and colors. You just need patience to get good images.


Images of various landscapes and seascapes can be made interesting if photographed in the right way. The image below is of a lake with ripples in the water, sun bouncing off the water, and long grasses protruding from the lake surface. All of these elements add plenty of interest and artistic value even though the colors are not vibrant.

Ripples of water on a lake with sun reflecting off of the water. Tall grass is protruding from the water surface.

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Is there anything more enjoyable and peaceful than a water photograph such as this? Photography involving water scences provides many opportunities for exciting images to be captured. The special effects created by water reflecting the sunlight always leads to great digital images.

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